What is SENCO?

At Darul Arqum Nursery we have  SENCO representatives, but what does that mean to you as a parent?

Early years practitioners face a challenging task in identifying very young children with additional needs and simultaneously providing support and advice to concerned parents, which requires a high level of expertise.

SENCO stands for Special Educational Needs Coordinator, and they have a legal duty to follow the SEND code of practice. This is crucial for early year’s settings in supporting early identification and intervention for children with special educational needs and will be a useful contact for parents if they were to have any concerns about their child’s development.

The role of the SENCO involves ensuring all practitioners in the setting understand their responsibilities to children with SEN and the setting’s approach to identifying and meeting SEND Code of practice. 

The role also includes:

Advising and supporting colleagues
Ensuring parents are closely involved throughout and that their insights inform action taken by the setting,
Liaising with professionals or agencies beyond the setting
Ensuring a smooth onward transition and planning for moving on to school for Pre-school children
Darul Arqum Nursery SENCO representative are:

Juwairiyah Jogee & Sumayya Lunat

If you have any questions please contact the nursery managers.

Call us on 01924 423786

c/o Madressa Islamiya, Purlwell Lane, Batley, West Yorkshire WF17 7NQ